The Hartnett Law Firm Attorneys in Dallas, Tx
The Hartnett Law Firm is comprised of nine attorneys working in a very unique environment. All nine of us are related, and this relationship among the attorneys allows for a type of collaboration you won’t find at other firms. In most instances, all of our attorneys will contribute to your case allowing for a broad array of ideas and strategies.
Individually, each of our attorneys brings something different to the firm dynamic, but there are certain qualities that all seven share. First, all are passionate about probate litigation, which is part of why our firm practices solely this area of the law. Second, all of the attorneys are leaders. Many have served as chairs of the Dallas Bar Association Probate Section. Others promote continuing legal education in the field by giving speeches and writing articles on developments in trusts and estates. Finally, the attorneys in our firm give back to their community in various ways including serving as mentors and taking on cases for the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program.
Please take a moment to visit each of our attorneys’ pages so that you can get to know us. Should you find that one of us individually or the firm collectively could be of service to you please call our offices so that we can schedule a consultation to discuss your case.